KHOE 90.5FM - World Radio

Would you like to participate? KHOE invites volunteers to help make their community public radio even more successful. Positions in engineering, recording, accounting, resource development, newsgathering and news desk.

You can contribute to our radio with news, music and more programs which serves our comunity. Please contact KHOE director for any ideas you might have.

Donations to KHOE radio are fully tax deductable. Donate right now using secure online service PayPal. You can use your credit card or become a PayPal member (you will receive $5 for subscription). If you would like to send a check, use our address at the bottom of this page. Your donations will support KHOE's unique programming reflecting highest values in radio.

It is easy to bring attention to your company or business by becoming KHOE underwriter.
Select the programs of your choice: Classical Music, Jazz, Popular Music, News & commentary from the global country of world peace

Contact us:
If you are interested in supporting us, please contact director of KHOE radio:

Stan Stansberry Stan Stansberry (director)

telephone: 641-469-5463

1000 N. 4TH St. Box 1017
Maharishi University of Management
Fairfield, IA 52557

Copyright © 2002-2003 KHOE 90.5 FM - World Radio